Articles | Volume 16
Science report
05 Nov 2013
Science report |  | 05 Nov 2013

IODP Expedition 339 in the Gulf of Cadiz and off West Iberia: decoding the environmental significance of the Mediterranean outflow water and its global influence

F. J. Hernández-Molina, D. Stow, C. Alvarez-Zarikian, and Expedition IODP 339 Scientists

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The "Shackleton Site" (IODP Site U1385) on the Iberian Margin
D. A. Hodell, L. Lourens, D. A. V. Stow, J. Hernández-Molina, C. A. Alvarez Zarikian, and the Shackleton Site Project Members
Sci. Dril., 16, 13–19,,, 2013

Related subject area

Location/Setting: Deep sea | Subject: Geology | Geoprocesses: Tectonic processes
New Chikyu Shallow Core Program (SCORE): exploring mass transport deposits and the subseafloor biosphere off Cape Erimo, northern Japan
Yusuke Kubo, Fumio Inagaki, Satoshi Tonai, Go-Ichiro Uramoto, Osamu Takano, Yasuhiro Yamada, and the Expedition 910 Shipboard Scientific Party
Sci. Dril., 27, 25–33,,, 2020
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Workshop report on hard-rock drilling into mid-Cretaceous Pacific oceanic crust on the Hawaiian North Arch
Tomoaki Morishita, Susumu Umino, Jun-Ichi Kimura, Mikiya Yamashita, Shigeaki Ono, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Masako Tominaga, Frieder Klein, and Michael O. Garcia
Sci. Dril., 26, 47–58,,, 2019
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IODP Expedition 338: NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: NanTroSEIZE plate boundary deep riser 2
G. F. Moore, K. Kanagawa, M. Strasser, B. Dugan, L. Maeda, S. Toczko, and the IODP Expedition 338 Scientific Party
Sci. Dril., 17, 1–12,,, 2014

Cited articles

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Brackenridge, R. A., Hernández-Molina, F. J., Stow, D. A. V., and Llave, R.: A Pliocene mixed contourite-turbidite system offshore the Algarve Margin, Gulf of Cadiz: Seismic response, margin evolution and reservoir implications, Mar. Petrol. Geol., 46, 36–50,, 2013.