Articles | Volume 19
Workshop report
29 May 2015
Workshop report |  | 29 May 2015

IODP workshop: tracking the Tsunamigenic slips across and along the Japan Trench (JTRACK)

J. D. Kirkpatrick, M. Strasser, S. Kodaira, J. Sample, J. Mori, and S. Saito


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Short summary
We summarize the findings of the IODP Workshop Tracking the Tsunamigenic slips Across and Along the Japan Trench (JTRACK) held in Tokyo, May 2014. The workshop recommended a program of drilling to investigate the physical and chemical controls on coseismic slip in the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake and to develop new methods for determining the recurrence interval of tsunamigenic earthquakes in the sediment record. One full- and one pre-proposal with these goals were recently submitted to IODP.