Articles | Volume 21
Progress report
10 Aug 2016
Progress report |  | 10 Aug 2016

New drilling of the early Aptian OAE1a: the Cau core (Prebetic Zone, south-eastern Spain)

Pedro Alejandro Ruiz-Ortiz, José Manuel Castro, Ginés Alfonso de Gea, Ian Jarvis, José Miguel Molina, Luis Miguel Nieto, Richard David Pancost, María Luisa Quijano, Matías Reolid, Peter William Skelton, and Helmut Jürg Weissert


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Short summary
The Cretaceous was punctuated by several episodes of accelerated global change, defined as Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAE), that reflect abrupt changes in global carbon cycling. In this progress report, we present a new drill core recovering an Aptian section spanning OAE1a in southern Spain. The Cau section is located in the easternmost part of the Prebetic Zone (Betic Cordillera). All the studies performed reveal that the Cau section represents an excellent site to further investigate OAE1a.