Articles | Volume 27
Science report
27 May 2020
Science report |  | 27 May 2020

New Chikyu Shallow Core Program (SCORE): exploring mass transport deposits and the subseafloor biosphere off Cape Erimo, northern Japan

Yusuke Kubo, Fumio Inagaki, Satoshi Tonai, Go-Ichiro Uramoto, Osamu Takano, Yasuhiro Yamada, and the Expedition 910 Shipboard Scientific Party


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Short summary
The Chikyu Shallow Core Program (SCORE) has been started to provide more opportunities for scientific ocean drilling of shallow boreholes (up to 100 m) during a short-term expedition. The proposal flow is a simplified version of that of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP). Although there are several limitations for a SCORE project, the opportunity to retrieve 100 m of continuous core samples will be of interest for the scientific ocean drilling community in multiple disciplines.