Articles | Volume 28
Technical development
01 Dec 2020
Technical development |  | 01 Dec 2020

A new high-temperature borehole fluid sampler: the Multi-Temperature Fluid Sampler

C. Geoffrey Wheat, Christopher Kitts, Camden Webb, Rachel Stolzman, Ann McGuire, Trevor Fournier, Thomas Pettigrew, and Hans Jannasch


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Short summary
Temperatures of boreholes rise with depth with some reaching ~ 200 °C at their base. Water is found in the deep warm crust where it is altered, providing a potential habitat for microbial life. To advance studies on the Earth's crust, we developed a simple water sampler that is triggered mechanically at temperatures from 80 to 180 °C using shape memory alloys. Laboratory and deep-sea tests were conducted, but hole conditions did not allow its use on IODP Exp. 385T. The sampler is ready for use.