Articles | Volume 29
Science report
26 Apr 2021
Science report |  | 26 Apr 2021

Drilling the Aptian–Albian of the Sergipe–Alagoas Basin, Brazil: paleobiogeographic and paleoceanographic studies in the South Atlantic

Gerson Fauth, Mauro Daniel Rodrigues Bruno, Jorge Villegas-Martín, Jairo Francisco Savian, Rodrigo do Monte Guerra, Guilherme Krahl, Francisco Henrique de Oliveira Lima, Oscar Strohschoen Jr., Raquel Gewehr de Mello, Fernando Marcanth Lopes, Carolina Gonçalves Leandro, and Eduardo da Silva Aguiar

Related subject area

Location/Setting: Continental | Subject: Geology | Geoprocesses: Effects of major impacts on climate and mass extinctions
Initial results of coring at Prees, Cheshire Basin, UK (ICDP JET project): towards an integrated stratigraphy, timescale, and Earth system understanding for the Early Jurassic
Stephen P. Hesselbo, Aisha Al-Suwaidi, Sarah J. Baker, Giorgia Ballabio, Claire M. Belcher, Andrew Bond, Ian Boomer, Remco Bos, Christian J. Bjerrum, Kara Bogus, Richard Boyle, James V. Browning, Alan R. Butcher, Daniel J. Condon, Philip Copestake, Stuart Daines, Christopher Dalby, Magret Damaschke, Susana E. Damborenea, Jean-Francois Deconinck, Alexander J. Dickson, Isabel M. Fendley, Calum P. Fox, Angela Fraguas, Joost Frieling, Thomas A. Gibson, Tianchen He, Kat Hickey, Linda A. Hinnov, Teuntje P. Hollaar, Chunju Huang, Alexander J. L. Hudson, Hugh C. Jenkyns, Erdem Idiz, Mengjie Jiang, Wout Krijgsman, Christoph Korte, Melanie J. Leng, Timothy M. Lenton, Katharina Leu, Crispin T. S. Little, Conall MacNiocaill, Miguel O. Manceñido, Tamsin A. Mather, Emanuela Mattioli, Kenneth G. Miller, Robert J. Newton, Kevin N. Page, József Pálfy, Gregory Pieńkowski, Richard J. Porter, Simon W. Poulton, Alberto C. Riccardi, James B. Riding, Ailsa Roper, Micha Ruhl, Ricardo L. Silva, Marisa S. Storm, Guillaume Suan, Dominika Szűcs, Nicolas Thibault, Alfred Uchman, James N. Stanley, Clemens V. Ullmann, Bas van de Schootbrugge, Madeleine L. Vickers, Sonja Wadas, Jessica H. Whiteside, Paul B. Wignall, Thomas Wonik, Weimu Xu, Christian Zeeden, and Ke Zhao
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Short summary
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Short summary
New drilling of the early Aptian OAE1a: the Cau core (Prebetic Zone, south-eastern Spain)
Pedro Alejandro Ruiz-Ortiz, José Manuel Castro, Ginés Alfonso de Gea, Ian Jarvis, José Miguel Molina, Luis Miguel Nieto, Richard David Pancost, María Luisa Quijano, Matías Reolid, Peter William Skelton, and Helmut Jürg Weissert
Sci. Dril., 21, 41–46,,, 2016
Short summary

Cited articles

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Short summary
This paper gives an overview, preliminary results, and perspectives of a drilling project in northeastern Brazil. It presents a promising new record of mid-Cretaceous rocks from the South Atlantic Ocean, which may have registered significant geologic events that affected the distribution of marine ecosystems, as well as major paleoclimatic events. It is also important to assess if a correlation exists between the biotic assemblages of the South Atlantic Ocean and the Tethys Sea.