Articles | Volume 32
Workshop report
26 Oct 2023
Workshop report |  | 26 Oct 2023

Workshop report: PlioWest – drilling Pliocene lakes in western North America

Alison J. Smith, Emi Ito, Natalie Burls, Leon Clarke, Timme Donders, Robert Hatfield, Stephen Kuehn, Andreas Koutsodendris, Tim Lowenstein, David McGee, Peter Molnar, Alexander Prokopenko, Katie Snell, Blas Valero Garcés, Josef Werne, Christian Zeeden, and the PlioWest Working Consortium


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Short summary
Western North American contains accessible and under-recognized paleolake records that hold the keys to understanding the drivers of wetter conditions in Pliocene Epoch subtropical drylands worldwide. In a 2021 ICDP workshop, we chose five paleolake basins to study that span 7° of latitude in a unique array able to capture a detailed record of hydroclimate during the Early Pliocene warm period and subsequent Pleistocene cooling. We propose new drill cores for three of these basins.