Articles | Volume 33, issue 2
Workshop report
30 Aug 2024
Workshop report |  | 30 Aug 2024

Workshop report: Afar Dallol Drilling – ONset of sedimentary processes in an active rift basin (ADD-ON)

Anneleen Foubert, Derek Keir, Balemwal Atnafu, Tesfaye Kidane, and the ADD-ON Workshop Consortium


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Short summary
The Dallol area (northern Afar, Ethiopia) is the ideal field lab to study the birth of a future ocean. The ADD-ON workshop brought together scientists from different disciplines, government agencies, local universities, and communities to plan a scientific drilling into the Dallol deep subsurface. This drilling will provide unique archives to resolve questions related to rift processes, seismic and volcanic activity, climate change, the deep biosphere, geothermal energy, and water resources.