Articles | Volume 33, issue 2
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© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
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Active seismic surveys for drilling target characterization in Ossola Valley: International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) project Drilling the Ivrea–Verbano zonE (DIVE) phase I
Andrew Greenwood
Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, 1015, Switzerland
Chair of Applied Geophysics, Montanuniversität Leoben, Leoben, 8700, Austria
György Hetényi
Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, 1015, Switzerland
Ludovic Baron
Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, 1015, Switzerland
Alberto Zanetti
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell'Ambiente, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Othmar Müntener
Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, 1015, Switzerland
A full list of authors appears at the end of the paper.
Related authors
Eva Caspari, Andrew Greenwood, Ludovic Baron, Daniel Egli, Enea Toschini, Kaiyan Hu, and Klaus Holliger
Solid Earth, 11, 829–854,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
A shallow borehole was drilled to explore the petrophysical and hydraulic characteristics of a hydrothermally active fault in the crystalline Aar massif of the Alps. A key objective of studying surficial features of this kind is to establish analogies with natural and deep-seated engineered hydrothermal systems. A wide range of geophysical borehole logs was acquired, which revealed a complex fracture network in the damage zone of the fault and a related compartmentalized hydraulic behavior.
Jürg Hunziker, Andrew Greenwood, Shohei Minato, Nicolás Daniel Barbosa, Eva Caspari, and Klaus Holliger
Solid Earth, 11, 657–668,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
The characterization of fractures is crucial for a wide range of pertinent applications, such as geothermal energy production, hydrocarbon exploration, CO2 sequestration, and nuclear waste disposal. We estimate fracture parameters based on waves that travel along boreholes (tube waves) using a stochastic optimization approach.
Konstantinos Michailos, György Hetényi, Matteo Scarponi, Josip Stipčević, Irene Bianchi, Luciana Bonatto, Wojciech Czuba, Massimo Di Bona, Aladino Govoni, Katrin Hannemann, Tomasz Janik, Dániel Kalmár, Rainer Kind, Frederik Link, Francesco Pio Lucente, Stephen Monna, Caterina Montuori, Stefan Mroczek, Anne Paul, Claudia Piromallo, Jaroslava Plomerová, Julia Rewers, Simone Salimbeni, Frederik Tilmann, Piotr Środa, Jérôme Vergne, and the AlpArray-PACASE Working Group
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 2117–2138,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
We examine the spatial variability of the crustal thickness beneath the broader European Alpine region by using teleseismic earthquake information (receiver functions) on a large amount of seismic waveform data. We compile a new Moho depth map of the broader European Alps and make our results freely available. We anticipate that our results can potentially provide helpful hints for interdisciplinary imaging and numerical modeling studies.
Jaroslava Plomerová, Helena Žlebčíková, György Hetényi, Luděk Vecsey, Vladislav Babuška, and AlpArray-EASI and AlpArray working
Solid Earth, 13, 251–270,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
We present high-resolution tomography images of upper mantle structure beneath the E Alps and the adjacent Bohemian Massif. The northward-dipping lithosphere, imaged down to ∼200 km beneath the E Alps without signs of delamination, is probably formed by a mixture of a fragment of detached European plate and the Adriatic plate subductions. A detached high-velocity anomaly, sub-parallel to and distinct from the E Alps heterogeneity, is imaged at ∼100–200 km beneath the southern part of the BM.
Pavol Zahorec, Juraj Papčo, Roman Pašteka, Miroslav Bielik, Sylvain Bonvalot, Carla Braitenberg, Jörg Ebbing, Gerald Gabriel, Andrej Gosar, Adam Grand, Hans-Jürgen Götze, György Hetényi, Nils Holzrichter, Edi Kissling, Urs Marti, Bruno Meurers, Jan Mrlina, Ema Nogová, Alberto Pastorutti, Corinne Salaun, Matteo Scarponi, Josef Sebera, Lucia Seoane, Peter Skiba, Eszter Szűcs, and Matej Varga
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 2165–2209,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
The gravity field of the Earth expresses the overall effect of the distribution of different rocks at depth with their distinguishing densities. Our work is the first to present the high-resolution gravity map of the entire Alpine orogen, for which high-quality land and sea data were reprocessed with the exact same calculation procedures. The results reflect the local and regional structure of the Alpine lithosphere in great detail. The database is hereby openly shared to serve further research.
Jiří Kvapil, Jaroslava Plomerová, Hana Kampfová Exnerová, Vladislav Babuška, György Hetényi, and AlpArray Working Group
Solid Earth, 12, 1051–1074,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
This paper presents a high-resolution 3-D shear wave velocity (vS) model of the Bohemian Massif crust imaged from high-density data and enhanced depth sensitivity of tomographic inversion. The dominant features of the model are relatively higher vS in the upper crust than in its surrounding, a distinct intra-crustal interface, and a velocity decrease in the lower part of the crust. The low vS in the lower part of the crust is explained by the anisotropic fabric of the lower crust.
Shiba Subedi, György Hetényi, and Ross Shackleton
Geosci. Commun., 3, 279–290,,, 2020
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Short summary
We study the impact of an educational seismology program on earthquake awareness and preparedness in Nepal. We see that educational activities implemented in schools are effective at raising awareness levels and in improving adaptive capacities and preparedness for future earthquakes. Knowledge also reached the broader community though social learning, leading to broadscale awareness. The result observed in this study is encouraging for the continuation and expansion of the program.
Marcel Tesch, Johannes Stampa, Thomas Meier, Edi Kissling, György Hetényi, Wolfgang Friederich, Michael Weber, Ben Heit, and the AlpArray Working Group
Solid Earth Discuss.,,, 2020
Publication in SE not foreseen
Eva Caspari, Andrew Greenwood, Ludovic Baron, Daniel Egli, Enea Toschini, Kaiyan Hu, and Klaus Holliger
Solid Earth, 11, 829–854,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
A shallow borehole was drilled to explore the petrophysical and hydraulic characteristics of a hydrothermally active fault in the crystalline Aar massif of the Alps. A key objective of studying surficial features of this kind is to establish analogies with natural and deep-seated engineered hydrothermal systems. A wide range of geophysical borehole logs was acquired, which revealed a complex fracture network in the damage zone of the fault and a related compartmentalized hydraulic behavior.
Jürg Hunziker, Andrew Greenwood, Shohei Minato, Nicolás Daniel Barbosa, Eva Caspari, and Klaus Holliger
Solid Earth, 11, 657–668,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
The characterization of fractures is crucial for a wide range of pertinent applications, such as geothermal energy production, hydrocarbon exploration, CO2 sequestration, and nuclear waste disposal. We estimate fracture parameters based on waves that travel along boreholes (tube waves) using a stochastic optimization approach.
Cameron Spooner, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Hans-Jürgen Götze, Jörg Ebbing, György Hetényi, and the AlpArray Working Group
Solid Earth, 10, 2073–2088,,, 2019
Short summary
Short summary
By utilising both the observed gravity field of the Alps and their forelands and indications from deep seismic surveys, we were able to produce a 3-D structural model of the region that indicates the distribution of densities within the lithosphere. We found that the present-day Adriatic crust is both thinner and denser than the European crust and that the properties of Alpine crust are strongly linked to their provenance.
Mattia Pistone, Othmar Müntener, Luca Ziberna, György Hetényi, and Alberto Zanetti
Sci. Dril., 23, 47–56,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
The Ivrea–Verbano Zone is the most complete, time-integrated crust–upper mantle archive in the world. It is a unique target for assembling data on the deep crust and Moho transition zone to unravel the formation, evolution, and modification of the continental crust through space and time across the Earth. Four drilling operations in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone crustal section represent the scientifically most promising solution to achieve the major goals of DIVE Project.
Irene Molinari, John Clinton, Edi Kissling, György Hetényi, Domenico Giardini, Josip Stipčević, Iva Dasović, Marijan Herak, Vesna Šipka, Zoltán Wéber, Zoltán Gráczer, Stefano Solarino, the Swiss-AlpArray Field Team, and the AlpArray Working Group
Adv. Geosci., 43, 15–29,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
AlpArray is a collaborative seismological project in Europe that includes ~ 50 research institutes and seismological observatories. At its heart is the collection of top-quality seismological data from a dense network of stations in the Alpine region: the AlpArray Seismic Network (AASN). We report the Swiss contribution: site selections, installation, data quality and management. We deployed 27 temporary BB stations across 5 countries as result of a fruitful collaboration between 5 institutes.
Florian Fuchs, Petr Kolínský, Gidera Gröschl, Götz Bokelmann, and the AlpArray Working Group
Adv. Geosci., 43, 1–13,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
For comparison and as guideline for future seismic experiments we describe our efforts during the installation of thirty temporary seismic stations in Eastern Austria and Western Slovakia. The stations – deployed in the framework of the AlpArray project – are commonly placed in abandoned or unused cellars or buildings. We describe the technical realization of the deployment and discuss the seismic noise conditions at each site and potential relations to geology or station design.
Related subject area
Location/Setting: Continental | Subject: Geophysics/Seismology | Geoprocesses: Tectonic processes
Haiti-Drill: an amphibious drilling project workshop
Report on the ICDP workshop DIVE (Drilling the Ivrea–Verbano zonE)
Chastity Aiken, Richard Wessels, Marie-Hélène Cormier, Frauke Klingelhoefer, Anne Battani, Frédérique Rolandone, Walter Roest, Dominique Boisson, Kelly Guerrier, Roberte Momplaisir, and Nadine Ellouz-Zimmerman
Sci. Dril., 28, 49–62,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
The Haiti-Drill workshop, held in May 2019, further developed an amphibious drilling project in Haiti. During the workshop, we identified research questions, discussed drilling scenarios, identified data and analyses needed, and produced timelines for the work. We aim to understand the nature of fault zones and the evolution of transpressional plate boundaries. Given this aim, drilling targets were then rationalized, creating a focus point for research and survey needs prior to drilling.
Mattia Pistone, Othmar Müntener, Luca Ziberna, György Hetényi, and Alberto Zanetti
Sci. Dril., 23, 47–56,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
The Ivrea–Verbano Zone is the most complete, time-integrated crust–upper mantle archive in the world. It is a unique target for assembling data on the deep crust and Moho transition zone to unravel the formation, evolution, and modification of the continental crust through space and time across the Earth. Four drilling operations in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone crustal section represent the scientifically most promising solution to achieve the major goals of DIVE Project.
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Short summary
A set of seismic reflection surveys were conducted in May 2019 in the Ossola Valley, Western Italian Alps, to image the geologic structure below two proposed boreholes. The boreholes plan to penetrate the upper 2 km of the lower continental crust, a zone of much scientific interest. The seismic surveys have defined the valley structure to depths of 550 m, determined the dip of geological banding, and ruled out the possibility of major geologic drilling hazards that could be encountered.
A set of seismic reflection surveys were conducted in May 2019 in the Ossola Valley, Western...