Articles | Volume 24
Workshop report
22 Oct 2018
Workshop report |  | 22 Oct 2018

The Newberry Deep Drilling Project (NDDP) workshop

Alain Bonneville, Trenton T. Cladouhos, Susan Petty, Adam Schultz, Carsten Sørlie, Hiroshi Asanuma, Guðmundur Ómar Friðleifsson, Claude Jaupart, and Giuseppe de Natale

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The 1538 eruption at Campi Flegrei resurgent caldera: implications for future unrest and eruptive scenarios
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EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Borehole research in New York State can advance utilization of low-enthalpy geothermal energy, management of potential risks, and understanding of deep sedimentary and crystalline geologic systems
Teresa Jordan, Patrick Fulton, Jefferson Tester, David Bruhn, Hiroshi Asanuma, Ulrich Harms, Chaoyi Wang, Doug Schmitt, Philip J. Vardon, Hannes Hofmann, Tom Pasquini, Jared Smith, and the workshop participants
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Invited perspectives: The volcanoes of Naples: how can the highest volcanic risk in the world be effectively mitigated?
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A roadmap for amphibious drilling at the Campi Flegrei caldera: insights from a MagellanPlus workshop
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Location/Setting: Continental | Subject: Geology | Geoprocesses: Mineral and energy resources
Borehole research in New York State can advance utilization of low-enthalpy geothermal energy, management of potential risks, and understanding of deep sedimentary and crystalline geologic systems
Teresa Jordan, Patrick Fulton, Jefferson Tester, David Bruhn, Hiroshi Asanuma, Ulrich Harms, Chaoyi Wang, Doug Schmitt, Philip J. Vardon, Hannes Hofmann, Tom Pasquini, Jared Smith, and the workshop participants
Sci. Dril., 28, 75–91,,, 2020
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Cited articles

Asanuma, H., Tsuchiya, N., Muraoka, H., and Ito, H.: Japan Beyond-Brittle Project: Development of EGS Beyond Brittle-Ductile Transition, Proceedings World Geothermal Congres, Melbourne, Australia, 2015. 
Ásmundsson, R., Pezard, P., Sanjuan, B., Henninges, J., Deltombe, J.-L., Halladay, N., Lebert, F., Gadalia, A., Millot, R., Gibert, B., Violay, M., Reinsch, T., Naisse, J.-M., Massiot, C., Azaïs, P., Mainprice, D., Karytsas, C., and Johnston, C.: High temperature instruments and methods developed for supercritical geothermal reservoir characterisation and exploitation – The HiTI project, Geothermics, 49, 90–98, 2014. 
Bargar, K. E. and Keith, T. E. C.: Hydrothermal Mineralogy of Core from Geothermal Drill Holes at Newberry Volcano, Oregon, USGS Professional Paper 1578, p. 92, 1999. 
Bertani, R., Busing, H., Buske, S., Dini, A., and the DESCRAMBLE Science and Technology Team: The First Results of the DESCRAMBLE Project, 43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 2018. 
Bonneville, A., Cladouhos, T. T., Rose, K., Schultz, A., Strickland, C., and Urquhart, S.: Improved image of intrusive bodies at Newberry Volcano, Oregon, based on 3D gravity modelling, 42nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, 2017. 
Short summary
The Newberry Deep Drilling Project (NDDP) will be located on the Newberry Volcano, Oregon, USA, at an idle geothermal exploration well, NWG 46-16, drilled in 2008, 3500 m deep and 340–374 °C at bottom, which will be deepened another 1000 to 1300 m to reach 500 °C. The main goals are to test EGS in the ductile/brittle transition zone and to test technology for drilling, well completion, and geophysical monitoring in a very high temperature environment.