Articles | Volume 26
Workshop report
02 Dec 2019
Workshop report |  | 02 Dec 2019

A roadmap for amphibious drilling at the Campi Flegrei caldera: insights from a MagellanPlus workshop

Marco Sacchi, Giuseppe De Natale, Volkhard Spiess, Lena Steinmann, Valerio Acocella, Marta Corradino, Shanaka de Silva, Alessandro Fedele, Lorenzo Fedele, Nobuo Geshi, Christopher Kilburn, Donatella Insinga, Maria-José Jurado, Flavia Molisso, Paola Petrosino, Salvatore Passaro, Fabrizio Pepe, Sabina Porfido, Claudio Scarpati, Hans-Ulrich Schmincke, Renato Somma, Mari Sumita, Stella Tamburrino, Claudia Troise, Mattia Vallefuoco, and Guido Ventura


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Short summary
A MagellanPlus workshop was held in Naples, Italy (25–28 February 2017), to explore the potential of the Campi Flegrei caldera as a target for an Amphibious Drilling Proposal to be submitted to international drilling programs. Campi Flegrei is an ideal natural laboratory to analyze the mechanisms of caldera dynamics and the relationships between hydrothermal and magmatic processes. The results will significantly advance our understanding of the most complex forms of volcanic structures on Earth.