Articles | Volume 27
Science report
27 May 2020
Science report |  | 27 May 2020

Microbial diversity of drilling fluids from 3000 m deep Koyna pilot borehole provides insights into the deep biosphere of continental earth crust

Himadri Bose, Avishek Dutta, Ajoy Roy, Abhishek Gupta, Sourav Mukhopadhyay, Balaram Mohapatra, Jayeeta Sarkar, Sukanta Roy, Sufia K. Kazy, and Pinaki Sar


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Short summary
Drilling fluid (DF) used in the drilling of crystalline continental crust is considered a potent contaminant for subsurface rock samples, though it could provide a glimpse into the nature of deep subsurface life. Microbial communities of DF retrieved from Koyna pilot borehole (3000 m) in the Deccan Traps was explored through 16S rRNA and other diagnostic marker genes. Detection of extremophilic and other deep biosphere relevant microorganisms in DF redefined the role of DF in deep life research.