Articles | Volume 27
Science report
27 May 2020
Science report |  | 27 May 2020

High-resolution late Holocene sedimentary cores record the long history of the city of Cádiz (south-western Spain)

Ferréol Salomon, Darío Bernal-Casasola, José J. Díaz, Macarena Lara, Salvador Domínguez-Bella, Damien Ertlen, Patrick Wassmer, Pierre Adam, Philippe Schaeffer, Laurent Hardion, Cécile Vittori, Stoil Chapkanski, Hugo Delile, Laurent Schmitt, Frank Preusser, Martine Trautmann, Alessia Masi, Cristiano Vignola, Laura Sadori, Jacob Morales, Paloma Vidal Matutano, Vincent Robin, Benjamin Keller, Ángel Sanchez Bellón, Javier Martínez López, and Gilles Rixhon

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Cited articles

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Arteaga, O. and Roos, H. D. S. y A.-M.: Geoarqueología dialéctica en la Bahía de Cádiz, Rev. Atlántica-Mediterránea Prehist. Arqueol. Soc., 1, 21–116, 2008. 
Arteaga, O., Kölling, A., Kölling, M., Roos, A.-M., Schulz, H., and Schulz, H. D.: El puerto de Gadir. Investigación geoarqueológica en el casco antiguo de Cádiz, Rev. Atlántica-Mediterránea Prehist. Arqueol. Soc., 4, 345–416, 2001. 
Arteaga Matute, O. and Roos, A.-M.: El puerto fenicio-púnico de Gadir: una nueva visión desde la geoarqueología urbana de Cádiz, Spal, 11, 21–39, 2002. 
Baena Pérez, J., Zazo, C., and Goy, J. L.: Mapa Geológico de España. E. 1 : 50 000 – Hoja 1061 (11-45) – Cádiz, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME), Madrid, Spain, 1984. 
Short summary
PalaeoCADIX-Z is an interdisciplinary project that studied three cores drilled in a marine palaeochannel that ran through the ancient city of Cádiz (Spain). These cores reveal a ≥ 50 m thick Holocene sedimentary sequence. Importantly, most of the deposits date from the 1st millennium BCE to the 1st millennium CE. Geoarchaeologists, geomorphologists, archaeologists, sedimentologists, palaeoenvironmentalists, geochemists, and geochronologists collaborated within this project.