Ship-board determination of whole-rock (ultra-)trace element concentrations by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis of pressed powder pellets aboard the D/V Chikyu
Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics (IMG), Japan Agency for
Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), 2-15 Natsushima, Yokosuka,
Kanagawa 237-0061, Japan
Géosciences Environnement Toulouse (GET), Observatoire
Midi-Pyrénées, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, IRD, 14 avenue E. Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France
Fatma Kourim
Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Academia Road, Nangang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan
Akihiro Tamura
Department of Sciences, College of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-1192, Japan
Eiichi Takazawa
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University,
Niigata, Niigata 950-2181, Japan
Manolis Giampouras
Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (IACT), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-Universidad de Granada, Avd. Palmeras 4,
18100 Armilla, Granada, Spain
Sayantani Chatterjee
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University,
Niigata, Niigata 950-2181, Japan
Keisuke Ishii
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University,
Niigata, Niigata 950-2181, Japan
Matthew J. Cooper
School of Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, University of Southampton, European Way, Southampton SO14-3ZH, UK
Marguerite Godard
Géosciences Montpellier, CNRS, Université Montpellier, Place E. Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier, France
Elliot Carter
Department of Geology, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland
Natsue Abe
Mantle Drilling Promotion Office, Institute for Marine-Earth
Exploration and Engineering (MarE3), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), 3173-25 Showa-machi, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 236-0001, Japan
Kyaw Moe
Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering (MarE3), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), 2-15 Natsushima, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 237-0061, Japan
Damon A. H. Teagle
School of Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, University of Southampton, European Way, Southampton SO14-3ZH, UK
A full list of authors appears at the end of the paper.
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Thierry Decrausaz, Marguerite Godard, Manuel D. Menzel, Fleurice Parat, Emilien Oliot, Romain Lafay, and Fabrice Barou
Eur. J. Mineral., 35, 171–187,,, 2023
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Short summary
The carbonation of peridotites occurs during the fluxing of reactive CO2-bearing fluids, ultimately producing listvenites (magnesite and quartz assemblage). We studied the most extended outcrops of listvenites worldwide, found at the base of the Semail Ophiolite (Oman). Our study highlights the partitioning of iron during early pervasive carbonation revealed by chemical zoning in matrix magnesites, and we discuss the conditions favoring the formation of Fe-rich magnesite.
Manuel D. Menzel, Janos L. Urai, Estibalitz Ukar, Thierry Decrausaz, and Marguerite Godard
Solid Earth, 13, 1191–1218,,, 2022
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Mantle rocks can bind large quantities of carbon by reaction with CO2, but this capacity requires fluid pathways not to be clogged by carbonate. We studied mantle rocks from Oman to understand the mechanisms allowing their transformation into carbonate and quartz. Using advanced imaging techniques, we show that abundant veins were essential fluid pathways driving the reaction. Our results show that tectonic stress was important for fracture opening and a key ingredient for carbon fixation.
Valentin Basch, Martyn R. Drury, Oliver Plumper, Eric Hellebrand, Laura Crispini, Fabrice Barou, Marguerite Godard, and Elisabetta Rampone
Eur. J. Mineral., 33, 463–477,,, 2021
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This paper investigates the possibility for melts to migrate within extensively deformed crystals and assesses the impact of this intracrystalline melt percolation on the chemical composition of the deformed crystal. We here document that the presence of melt within a crystal greatly enhances chemical diffusive re-equilibration between the percolating melt and the mineral and that such a process occurring at crystal scale can impact the large-scale composition of the oceanic lithosphere.
Susumu Umino, Gregory F. Moore, Brian Boston, Rosalind Coggon, Laura Crispini, Steven D'Hondt, Michael O. Garcia, Takeshi Hanyu, Frieder Klein, Nobukazu Seama, Damon A. H. Teagle, Masako Tominaga, Mikiya Yamashita, Michelle Harris, Benoit Ildefonse, Ikuo Katayama, Yuki Kusano, Yohey Suzuki, Elizabeth Trembath-Reichert, Yasuhiro Yamada, Natsue Abe, Nan Xiao, and Fumio Inagaki
Sci. Dril., 29, 69–82,,, 2021
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Sci. Dril., 26, 69–85,,, 2019
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The northeast Atlantic encompasses archetypal examples of volcanic rifted margins. Twenty-five years after the last ODP leg on these volcanic margins, the reasons for excess melting are still disputed with at least three competing hypotheses being discussed. We are proposing a new drilling campaign that will constrain the timing, rates of volcanism, and vertical movements of rifted margins.
Elmar Albers, Wolfgang Bach, Frieder Klein, Catriona D. Menzies, Friedrich Lucassen, and Damon A. H. Teagle
Solid Earth, 10, 907–930,,, 2019
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To understand the fate of carbon in subducted oceanic sediments and crust, we studied carbonate phases in rocks from the Mariana subduction zone. These show that carbon is liberated from the downgoing plate at depths less than 20 km. Some of the carbon is subsequently trapped in minerals and likely subducts to greater depths, whereas fluids carry the other part back into the ocean. Our findings imply that shallow subduction zone processes may play an important role in the deep carbon cycle.
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Sci. Dril., 19, 13–16,,, 2015
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Short summary
During ChikyuOman2018 Leg3, we adapted a sample preparation and analytical procedure in order to analyse (ultra-)trace element concentrations using the D/V Chikyu on-board instrumentation. This dry (acid-free) and safe method has been developed for the determination of 37 elements (lowest reachable concentrations: 1–2 ppb) in igneous rocks from the oceanic lithosphere and could be adapted to other materials and/or chemicals of interest in the course of future ocean drilling operations.
During ChikyuOman2018 Leg3, we adapted a sample preparation and analytical procedure in order to...