Articles | Volume 33, issue 2
Science report
11 Oct 2024
Science report |  | 11 Oct 2024

A comprehensive crosshole seismic experiment in glacial sediments at the ICDP DOVE site in the Tannwald Basin

Sarah Beraus, Thomas Burschil, Hermann Buness, Daniel Köhn, Thomas Bohlen, and Gerald Gabriel

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Cited articles

Anselmetti, F. S., Bavec, M., Crouzet, C., Fiebig, M., Gabriel, G., Preusser, F., and Ravazzi, C.: Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys (ICDP-DOVE): Quantifying the age, extent, and environmental impact of Alpine glaciations, in: Scientific drilling: reports on deep earth sampling and monitoring, Sapporo: IODP, 31, 51–70,, 2022. a
Bauer, K., Pratt, R., Weber, M., Ryberg, T., Haberland, C., and Shimizu, S.: Mallik 2002 cross-well seismic experiment: project design, data acquisition, and modelling studies, in: Scientific Results from the Mallik 2002 Gas Hydrate Production Research Well Program, Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada, edited by: Dallimore, S. R. and Collett, T. S.​​​​​​​, vol. 585 of GSC Bulletin, Geological Survey of Canada, 14 pp., ISBN 978-0-660-19339-7, 2005. a
Beraus, S., Burschil, T., Buness, H., Köhn, D., Bohlen, T., and Gabriel, G.: Can We Detect Seismic Anisotropy in Glacial Sediments Using Crosshole Seismics?, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, vol. 2023, 1–5,, 2023. a
Beraus, S., Buness, H., Bayerle, J., Bergmann Barrocas, J., Wedig, S., Ripke, K., and Gabriel, G.: Crosshole seismic data at ICDP site 5068_1, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences [data set],, 2024. a
Buness, H., Tanner, D. C., Burschil, T., Gabriel, G., and Wielandt-Schuster, U.: Cuspate-lobate folding in glacial sediments revealed by a small-scale 3-D seismic survey, J. Appl. Geophys., 200, 104614,, 2022. a
Short summary
We conducted seismic crosshole experiments with a sparker source in order to obtain a high-resolution subsurface velocity model in the glacially overdeepened Tannwald Basin (ICDP site 5068_1). The data show complex wave fields that contain a lot of information but also present challenges. Nevertheless, isotropic first-arrival travel-time tomography provides the first high-resolution subsurface models that correlate well with the sonic logs and the core recovered from one of the three boreholes.