Articles | Volume 19
Workshop white paper
29 May 2015
Workshop white paper |  | 29 May 2015

Workshop to develop deep-life continental scientific drilling projects

T. L. Kieft, T. C. Onstott, L. Ahonen, V. Aloisi, F. S. Colwell, B. Engelen, S. Fendrihan, E. Gaidos, U. Harms, I. Head, J. Kallmeyer, B. Kiel Reese, L.-H. Lin, P. E. Long, D. P. Moser, H. Mills, P. Sar, D. Schulze-Makuch, H. Stan-Lotter, D. Wagner, P.-L. Wang, F. Westall, and M. J. Wilkins

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Influence of minor hydrocarbon seepage on sulfur cycling in marine subsurface sediments
Ellen Schnabel, Aurèle Vuillemin, Cédric C. Laczny, Benoit J. Kunath, André R. Soares, Alexander J. Probst, Rolando Di Primio, Jens Kallmeyer, and the PROSPECTOMICS Consortium
Biogeosciences, 22, 767–784,,, 2025
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Contrasting carbon cycling in the benthic food webs between a river-fed, high-energy canyon and an upper continental slope
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Biogeosciences, 21, 1729–1756,,, 2024
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Continental scientific drilling and microbiology: (extremely) low biomass in bedrock of central Sweden
George Westmeijer, Cristina Escudero, Claudia Bergin, Stephanie Turner, Magnus Ståhle, Maliheh Mehrshad, Prune Leroy, Moritz Buck, Pilar López-Hernández, Jens Kallmeyer, Ricardo Amils, Stefan Bertilsson, and Mark Dopson
Biogeosciences, 21, 591–604,,, 2024
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Workshop on drilling the Nicaraguan lakes: bridging continents and oceans (NICA-BRIDGE)
Steffen Kutterolf, Mark Brenner, Robert A. Dull, Armin Freundt, Jens Kallmeyer, Sebastian Krastel, Sergei Katsev, Elodie Lebas, Axel Meyer, Liseth Pérez, Juanita Rausch, Armando Saballos, Antje Schwalb, and Wilfried Strauch
Sci. Dril., 32, 73–84,,, 2023
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ICDP drilling of the Eger Rift observatory: magmatic fluids driving the earthquake swarms and deep biosphere
Tomáš Fischer, Pavla Hrubcová, Torsten Dahm, Heiko Woith, Tomáš Vylita, Matthias Ohrnberger, Josef Vlček, Josef Horálek, Petr Dědeček, Martin Zimmer, Martin P. Lipus, Simona Pierdominici, Jens Kallmeyer, Frank Krüger, Katrin Hannemann, Michael Korn, Horst Kämpf, Thomas Reinsch, Jakub Klicpera, Daniel Vollmer, and Kyriaki Daskalopoulou
Sci. Dril., 31, 31–49,,, 2022
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Related subject area

Location/Setting: Continental | Subject: Microbiology | Geoprocesses: Deep biosphere
Microbial diversity of drilling fluids from 3000 m deep Koyna pilot borehole provides insights into the deep biosphere of continental earth crust
Himadri Bose, Avishek Dutta, Ajoy Roy, Abhishek Gupta, Sourav Mukhopadhyay, Balaram Mohapatra, Jayeeta Sarkar, Sukanta Roy, Sufia K. Kazy, and Pinaki Sar
Sci. Dril., 27, 1–23,,, 2020
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Drilling into an active mofette: pilot-hole study of the impact of CO2-rich mantle-derived fluids on the geo–bio interaction in the western Eger Rift (Czech Republic)
Robert Bussert, Horst Kämpf, Christina Flechsig, Katja Hesse, Tobias Nickschick, Qi Liu, Josefine Umlauft, Tomáš Vylita, Dirk Wagner, Thomas Wonik, Hortencia Estrella Flores, and Mashal Alawi
Sci. Dril., 23, 13–27,,, 2017

Cited articles

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