Articles | Volume 21
Science report
27 Jul 2016
Science report |  | 27 Jul 2016

The Towuti Drilling Project: paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical Pacific lake

James M. Russell, Satria Bijaksana, Hendrik Vogel, Martin Melles, Jens Kallmeyer, Daniel Ariztegui, Sean Crowe, Silvia Fajar, Abdul Hafidz, Doug Haffner, Ascelina Hasberg, Sarah Ivory, Christopher Kelly, John King, Kartika Kirana, Marina Morlock, Anders Noren, Ryan O'Grady, Luis Ordonez, Janelle Stevenson, Thomas von Rintelen, Aurele Vuillemin, Ian Watkinson, Nigel Wattrus, Satrio Wicaksono, Thomas Wonik, Kohen Bauer, Alan Deino, André Friese, Cynthia Henny, Imran, Ristiyanti Marwoto, La Ode Ngkoimani, Sulung Nomosatryo, La Ode Safiuddin, Rachel Simister, and Gerald Tamuntuan

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ICDP workshop on the Lake Tanganyika Scientific Drilling Project: a late Miocene–present record of climate, rifting, and ecosystem evolution from the world's oldest tropical lake
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Manuscript not accepted for further review
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Cited articles

Aldrian, E. and Susanto, R. D.: Identification of three dominant rainfall regions within Indonesia and their relationship to sea surface temperature, Int. J. Climatol., 23, 1435–1452, 2003.
Cannon, C. H., Morley, R. J., and Bush, A. B. G.: The current rainforests of Sundaland are unrepresentative of their biogeographic past and highly vulnerable to disturbance, P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 106, 11188–11193, 2009.
Carolin, S. A., Cobb, K. M., Adkins, J. F., Clark, B., Conroy, J. L., Lejau, S., Malang, J., and Tuen, A. A.: Varied response of western Pacific hydrology to climate forcings over the last glacial period, Science, 340, 1564–1566, 2013.
Chiang, J. C. H.: The tropics in paleoclimate, Annu. Rev. Earth Pl. Sc., 37, 20.21–20.35, 2009.
Clement, A. C., Cane, M. A., and Seager, R.: An orbitally-driven tropical source for abrupt climate change, J. Climate, 14, 2369–2375, 2001.
Short summary
The Towuti Drilling Project seeks to understand the long-term environmental and climatic history of the tropical western Pacific and to discover the unique microbes that live in metal-rich sediments. To accomplish these goals, in 2015 we carried out a scientific drilling project on Lake Towuti, located in central Indonesia. We recovered over 1000 m of core, and our deepest core extended 175 m below the lake floor and gives us a complete record of the lake.