Articles | Volume 21
Workshop report
10 Aug 2016
Workshop report |  | 10 Aug 2016

Report on ICDP workshop CONOSC (COring the NOrth Sea Cenozoic)

Wim Westerhoff, Timme Donders, and Stefan Luthi

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A new age model for the Pliocene of the southern North Sea basin: a multi-proxy climate reconstruction
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Land–sea coupling of early Pleistocene glacial cycles in the southern North Sea exhibit dominant Northern Hemisphere forcing
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Cited articles

Lisiecki, L. E. and Raymo, M. E.: A Pliocene-Pleistocene stack of 57 globally distributed benthic D18O records, Paleoceanography, 20, PA1003,, 2005.
Zachos, J. C., Dickens, G. R., and Zeebe, R. E.: An early Cenozoic perspective on greenhouse warming and carbon-cycle dynamics, Nature, 451, 279–283,, 2008.
Short summary
The CONOSC (COring the NOrth Sea Cenozoic) project brings scientists together that aim at scientific drilling of the north-western European marginal seas where in the last 65 million years the influence of sea and land was recorded continuously in the sediments. The subsiding area is ideally suited for detailed study of the relations between changing climate, biodiversity, and changing land masses. The report discusses the ICDP workshop outcome and overall project aims.